Wow Your Guests With A Special Thanksgiving Pumpkin Risotto

-2 tbsp butter
-1 &1/2 cup arborio rice
-5 cups chicken stock
-1 cup pumkin puree
-1 shallot, minced
-1 cup dry white wine
-1/2 tbsp fresh thyme
-1/2 cup parmasean cheese
-1/2 tsp pumkin spice
-salt & pepper
-roasted squash or pumpkin + more for serving
-fresh sage

-bring stock to a simmer and add in pumpkin purée
-place pan on med heat and add butter, shallot, thyme & pumpkin spice
-cook until translucent about 3-4 min
-add rice and let toast for 3 min
-pour in wine and let it cook off, stirring
-begin adding chicken stock in ladle by ladle. Once all the stock has been absorbed add in more. Continue this process until the rice is cooked al denté
-take risotto off the head and stir in roasted squash, parm cheese and a little butter