Bill Marriott's Flaming Underwear Story

Mike Wallace, 60 Minutes [standing in front of SLC temple]: Mormons know that some outside people think they are weird. Why? Well, for one thing, devout Mormons wear sacred undergarments for protection from harm--cotton undershirts with undershorts that reach to their knees.

[Bill Marriott interview] - His Father is J. Willard Marriott

Mike Wallace: Do you wear the sacred undergarments?

Bill Marriott: Yes, I do. And I can tell you they do protect you from harm.

Mike Wallace: Really?

Bill Marriott: Uh-huh. I was in a very serious boat accident. Fire--boat was on fire, I was on fire. I was burned. My pants were burned right off of me. I was not burned above my knee. Where the garment was, I was not burned.

Mike Wallace: And you believe it was the sacred undergarments.

Bill Marriott: I do. Particularly on my legs, because my pants were gone, but my undergarments were not singed.

[Steve Young interview]

Mike Wallace: And do you think that the sacred undergarments have kept you from harm on the football field?

Steve Young: I actually take them off to play football. The sacred nature of them, I find that the nature of football, and the sweating and so forth, I actually take them off, and I think that's probably prevalent with athletics in the church.

Mike Wallace: Really?

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