Question Of The Day - Should I Retire The Jinxed "Sweatshirt" Or Keep Going Until I Finally Win In It?

I’m not a superstitious fan. Last night I was watching the Blackhawks and tweeted something when they went up 4-1, they immediately gave up back to back goals and ended up losing 5-4 and everyone told me I’m a jinx. That’s fine, I can deal with that, just know I don’t believe it. But the famous sweatshirt may be a different case, it may be time to retire it because there is nothing but heartbreak and sadness in that sweatshirt. Not to mention it doesn’t exactly fit like it once did. But on the flip side I keep coming back to the same thought. Everyone knows the type of sports fan I am, I’m the eternal optimist. I’m the guy who sees that stupid graphic they put up in December of NFL teams “In The Hunt” and start visualizing playoff scenarios even though the Bears are 5-8 and they put them in there simply because they haven’t been mathematically eliminated yet. I’m the guy that thinks one good Bulls game against the Cavs in January  means they’re back in the race. So that part of my brain, the part that is made up of primarily shit, thinks about the moment when things actually go right and I’m wearing the sweatshirt. The story that would be. So I think I’m sticking with it, I think I’m dying in that sweatshirt if need be. Sometimes sports aren’t about winning, sometimes they’re about dreaming about winning and having your heart crushed mid day dream. And that’s what the sweatshirt provides. It’s with me forever.


Shout out to @Middletackle for making this video. Glad my sadness can produce something so fucking funny. We talk about the “Barstool Difference” and it can mean many different things, but one of the things it means to me is having fans like ours who create hilarious things like this.