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Ref Show: Wagner College Got Hosed On This Foul Call Last Night

Let me be the first to say, I am pro referee. You'll never catch me complaining about the refs... ever. 

Couldn't be me.

Anyway, I do think being an official is a very difficult job. Lots of rules that even the biggest diehards don't always know, lots of judgement calls, lots of pressure, and tons of negative feedback with no real upside. Refs get ridden every night in every direction from coaches to players to fans to everyone. Brutal job.Which again, is why you'll never catch me complaining to or about a ref ever. 

Giphy Images.

However, with all that said, and all that pressure sometimes you got to call a spade a spade, and also these guys do get paid a lot of money to do a game. The highest level in Division 1 in in the 3-4 thousand dollar range per night. They should do their best to get everything they can right. 

Last night's call against Wagner is just simply not a foul. Not a foul. It's even more difficult for Wagner to stomach that the ref was literally right there. In the conference tournament. Just an absolutely BRUTAL way for your season to end. Mark my words, this will not be the last we see of this in the month of March. Buckle up baby.