This Is Exactly What Should Happen Any Time You Try To Take A Charge

Now, this is what I’m talking about. Fuck trying to take a charge. You try to slide in, grab your nuts and fall down without making a play you deserve a man in goggles dunking all over your dead body. Be a man and try to swipe at the ball. Be a man and at least jump and foul or get yammed on that way. Be a business man and get the hell out of the play. Don’t ever slide in front of someone and fall down. It’s my least favorite play in basketball simply because, well, it’s not a basketball play and it gets rewarded all the time. Luckily for us who hate the charge it was not rewarded here.

There is a difference between an offensive foul and a charge. Offensive fouls are needed. You can’t just lower a shoulder or completely run over someone. But, refs are trained to look for a guy falling down and call a foul. That’s how we end up with so many charge calls every game which shouldn’t be called. Let’s have more of this happen.