Dwarfs Faced Off, Girls Tried Pulling Hair, Gillie Got In The Mix, And Security Guard Mike Was the MVP... Welcome To The MDWOG Weigh-Ins
Safe to say that was our wildest weigh-in stream ever. Every fighter was fully prepared to talk endless shit and it was truly a miracle that no punches got thrown. But it was CLOSE. Shout out to Four Loko + Security Guard Mike for being the best in the damn game, he definitely earned himself a $50 gift card to the Barstool Store for his nonstop efforts Thursday night.
I am so fucking excited to call these fights Friday night with Gillie & Wallo. There's no doubt some knockouts are coming on GillieWalloKO.com at 8 pm ET. These main events are going to be violent.
Oh and don't forget about our live ring girl contest too, this time we're doing it before the main events. Wilmington, DE is about to go loko folks.