White Sox Dave Pulled Off The Upset Of The Year In The Banana Bread Bakeoff Against Chef Donny
It got brought to our attention that White Sox Dave makes banana bread fairly regularly. A couple times a year.
So we asked him to make us some to try out. But we also wanted to make it a competition. Certainly French-cuisine trained Chef, Chef Donny would be able to outduel him. After seeing that Dave was thinking about going with yesterday, it seemed like an easy win for Donny.
But today, when the blind taste tests were done, it was a dead heat. A 3-3 tie as Nick recently discovered he has a gluten allergy so wouldn't be able to participate.
So I was brought in as the tiebreaker. The two breads were very different looking. The one without nuts looking very professional. Certainly something from a classically trained Chef. The one with chocolate chips, likely there to mask the flavor of the green bananas had a hard exterior and was dry on the inside. Surely a White Sox Dave loaf. But after voting, it was revealed that White Sox Dave had won! His banana bread is truly the best in the office. An upset the likes of Buster Douglas over prime Mike Tyson.
Chef Donny called it a "wake up call" and we'll hopefully have a rematch soon.
Catch the full Yak here: