Watchlist Wednesday - The Best "Long Takes" On TV

This clip from Showtime showing the behind the scenes magic of Jim Carrey’s new show, Kidding, went SUPER viral last week:

So today on Watchlist we’re rattling off the best “one shot” “long takes” “tracking shots” whatever you wanna call it. We’re not the type of guys to break down the camera techniques but even notice how incredible these look.

PS – I just watched episode 6 of S1 of The Haunting of Hill House. Theres a one take in the funeral home thats SEVENTEEN MINUTES. Needless to say I would have amended this list to include that. Made the episode infinitely more creepy and interesting. True Detective still the GOAT, but the Haunting of House Hill almost triples the length of time fo one continuous shot. Pretty incredible. Here’s a piece of that ep (obviously spoilers)