Grossest Voicemail In KFC Radio History Today

Every once in a while we get a voicemail that’s so gross (note: like a week ago the girl who said a guy ate a piece of her period blood) I don’t even know if I can believe it, this is such a voicemail. Some guy goes to grab a lightbulb out of his roommates room and discovers that he just cums in a solo cup rather than cleaning up. It’s repulsive. It’s disturbing. I almost puked during the voicemail and immediately said to go to the next one, before settling into a intelligent discussion regarding it.

What in the world is the point of this? Some of you may be fortunate enough to not know this because you didn’t have to hide condoms in Gatorade bottles then throw them away at school when you were in high school, but stale cum stinks to high heavens. It’s the grossest shit in the world. Why one would hang on to that? It’s the opposite of the NBA lesson where you immediately flush the condom down the toilet so the groupie can’t steal your kids, you’re just leaving your DNA out in the open for anyone to grab. Plus, how many fucking loads does it take to fill up a solo cup? It’s gotta be over a hundred.

The only reason I can think to save sperm would be to prank a sperm bank. Go in there with one of those fake bags, used to pass piss tests, and ask for two cups when you show up, just to see the look on the receptionist’s face. Come out of the room with two cups filled to the brim with sperm and leave her wondering if you’re a fucking Centaur. Plop those things on the desk, flash her a smirk, and tell her to add “big loads” to your sperm bank resume.

Other than that, this makes absolutely no sense and is remarkably disgusting.