Top 5 People I Hate: A Definitive List


In today’s episode of KFC RADIO, Kevin hosted a brand new game: Barstool Feud. One of the categories Feits and I competed in was “Top 5 People Kevin Hates.” Seems like too extensive/broad of a list to pick a Top 5 from; mine is much simpler:

5) Actors

As a decade-long Los Angeles resident that grew up in New York City, this is actually a highly researched and educated opinion. Actors are, at the very least, sufferers of a raging case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, right? Not knocking people with personality disorders here (I’ll take a PD person over an uninteresting, boring normal person any day,) but to ignore years and years of rejection and still think “I’m good enough to make it, I’m special,” is absolutely insane. Also, scientifically speaking, they’re annoying.

4) My Tax Guy

Classic case of I’m-just-the-messenger, but I hate him nonetheless. (Not using his name, a. to protect his identity, b. it doesn’t matter who he is personally, whoever my tax person is I will hate them.) Literally every word that comes out of his mouth is about me taking almost half of my hard earned dick-sucking money and paying it to the IRS. I realize this is what affords us to live in a country with working roads and public education and all of the other great things, but April 14th is still my least favorite day of the year and my Tax Guy is a human piece of shit.

3) Friendly Salespeople

Just… stay away from me. If I need help, first I’ll ask Google, then I’ll reconsider if I can in fact figure it out myself, and then maybe I’ll think about approaching you.

2) People That Don’t Let Passengers Completely Exit the Train Before Getting on Themselves

This is the ultimate red flag – it tells me you’re completely unaware of the world around you. If I’m fucking a guy and we take the subway together and he does this, I don’t care if his fetish is DP’ing me with his identical twin brother before they take turns fucking each other as I masturbate from the corner of the room, it’s over.

1) Myself

See: my life decisions.

You can get in on the next BARSTOOL FEUD  ********here******

Listen to today’s KFC RADIO to hear Kevin’s list, plus a VERY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT by Feitelberg.