Unprotected Sex Best Practices, Picking Up The Check Etiquette And A Very Informal Interview With 16-Year MLB Vet Ryan Dempster (Starting 9 Ep. 008)

We're coming off a long weekend which means a short work week. That was good shit when I was slinging B2B but it makes for a dense schedule of recording in today's line of work. After 6 days without recording, we go back to back days which gives us only so much time for MLB stuff. Tuesday's show was loaded with league news but we're not double dipping on the same news. So long story short we took the opportunity to get a little weird today in a mailbag segment where you will find very little baseball talk. 

For the diehards, have no worries. There's a long interview with Ryan Dempster at the 50 minute mark that will make you feel like you also spent 10+ years in the show. Great stories and insight like how they both drilled A-Rod on purpose. Does that make them eskimo brothers? I think so. Just a wild interview with an appropriate amount of ball/shaft dialogue. On that front, congrats to Demp on baby #5 coming this summer. The guy still has it. 

Mailbag topics today include: 

  • Picking up the check when you're the richest dude at the table
  • Love it or hate it, never skip it: Leg Day
  • Fancy Appetizer power rankings
  • Confessions: guilty pleasure TV
  • JP Morgan CEO forecasts an economic "hurricane" while simultaneously asking for a $53M bonus
  • The Top Gun Maverick experience
  • Unprotected Sex - stay in or pull out

Also some stories about our wives in college. The health & science behind chicken wings and why Hooters will always hit different for baseball players. 

Like I said, not your traditional baseball pod. More like the kind of stuff baseball players talk about at the field when they're not talking about baseball, which is approximately 95% of the time. That's the kinda episode we got here in 008 and we hope you enjoy. Especially the Dempster stuff. That guy rocks. 

New Starting 9 episodes out every Tuesday & Thursday morning. Listen here.
