The Biggest Bombshells From Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Interview With Oprah

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle sat down with Oprah for a tell all interview to finally share their side of the story. We know that they have exited their duties from the royal family and now we actually got to hear some of the inner workings. 

Here are the biggest moments: 

-Meghan Markle never googled her husband. 

-The tabloid story that claimed Meghan made Kate Middleton was actually the reverse. Kate made Meghan cry. However, Kate apologized and it wasn't a huge deal. Even though no one from "the institution" corrected the report. 

-Archie was not going to get a title and therefore would not be provided security. 

-There was a conversation (that Harry was a part of) about the color of Archie's skin and what he would look like. 

-Meghan felt silenced. 

-Meghan started to have suicidal thoughts but when she asked for help "the institution" shut it down. 

-Harry and Meghan are expecting a baby girl this summer! 

-Harry and Meghan actually got married 3 days before their massive wedding broadcast around the world. 

-Harry felt like history could repeat itself. He made some comparisons to their first Australia tour and Princess Diana's first tour. 

-They did not "quit" outright. They basically wanted a demotion from being senior members of the royal family to a lower level. 

-When the couple arrived in Canada, Harry was cut off financially and they removed his security. 

-They were living off of Diana's money that she left for Harry. He said he felt like maybe she knew something like this would happen. 

-Prince Charles would not accept Harry's calls. 

-Tyler Perry provided his home in LA for them and his security team before they moved into their own home. 

-Harry felt trapped in the royal family. He feels that his brother and father are trapped as well. (No kidding, they are in line to become king) 

-His relationship with the queen is good, Meghan made the distinction between the queen herself and those that advise her. 

-Harry loves his brother but there is DEFINITELY strain there. 

-Harry had a LONG pause when asked about his relationship with his father, Prince Charles, which certainly made it seem like they are not in a good place.

For our full breakdown of every moment...listen to today's Chicks In The Office here:

