Minihane Torches Anti-Patriots Hit Piece from John Henry's Boston Globe

One million masks are now circulating in Boston-area health care facilities, protecting thousands of New Englanders at the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic -- all made possible by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. But if you read the Boston Globe this morning you might think Kraft is some petty scam artist for his role in sending the Pats' private jet to China to courier masks ordered up by MA Gov. Charlie Baker. 

Dugan Arnett, the Globie who wrote the story, found a few of the Globe's usual suspects to say that the masks are KN95, not the "gold standard" N95. The masks are nonetheless FDA certified and federal guidelines suggest using them given universal shortages in health care equipment. 

In other words, Kraft did a tremendous service for the people of New England, but now some bum reporter is nitpicking for cheap clicks. Or it might be that John Henry, the billionaire who owns the Boston Globe, also owns the Red Sox, and he's pissed off that everyone in New England loves Kraft while his name is mud.  

Kirk Minihane digs into the story on today's episode of the Kirk Minihane Show (Starts at 0:11:00).