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It Takes A Special Kind Of Stupid To Not Understand Why The White Sox Pitched The Field of Dreams Idea To MLB For Next Year

For someone as smart as Carl, and I truly mean that, he also has the thickest skull of all time.  It’s truly incredible.  Like… here’s a list of all the things he can do that 99.99% of the human population can’t:

– can play the piano like Elton John
– can free style like B-Rabbit
– dropped out of law school not once, but twice.  He did get accepted into it though
– knows baseball better than anyone affiliated with Barstool and the vast majority of people affiliated with major networks like ESPN or MLB Net

Blah blah fucking blah.

I remember a few years back Carl had a party at this little one bedroom he was staying at in the West Loop that had this randomly big back patio.  It was A. an awesome place and B. kinda shitty at the same time. Carl played the piano while free styling and our guy Dante goes “this kid has more hidden talents than anyone I know” to me. And it’s true.

So I don’t understand for the fucking life of me why Carl can’t understand the whole White Sox/ Field of Dreams game situation.  This is exactly how it goes in today’s episode of Red Line Radio:

Me: the White Sox and the owners of the Field of Dreams told me they pitched the game to MLB to get eyeballs on their product because they want to become a brand name like the Cubs

Carl: if you think that’s why they’re doing this you’re a moron

Me: I don’t think anything, that’s what they told me

Carl: but you’re a moron if you think White Sox business ops have anything to do with the marketing of this event

Me: They do.  They told me they did.  I talked to them on the phone about it for 30 mins and they explained it to me

Carl: No, you’re an idiot. MLB wants the White Sox vs. Yankees there because it fits the theme of the movie

Me: Once again, it was the White Sox idea.  Not MLB’s.  I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you

Carl: MLB should have chosen the Yankees and Red Sox for it

Me: it wasn’t MLB’s idea, it was the White Sox and the owner of the Field of Dream’s idea

and so on and so forth

Now obviously they have to put up or shut up, but the White Sox would have ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO intention of doing this if they didn’t plan on competing next year.  They wouldn’t want to do it with an embarrassing lineup and rotation featuring Jon Jay and Dylan Covey starting.  Again, this is what isn’t just conjecture on my end, this is what the White Sox told me.  Sure they could be lying, sure they could completely fuck up this offseason, but that would be conjecture and I can’t look into the future.  So we have to operate with the information we have at present.


– We had Chicago based attorney Adam Bolotin on the show to break down the actual Black Sox scandal.  It’s the 100 year anniversary of the World Series that they threw, and Adam offers a ton of insight into what did and didn’t happen.  It was an atypical interview, but I was entranced by it at the same time.  I learned SO much from Adam.

– Bears talk first 20-25 mins.  Is David Montgomery the next Walter Payton

– Cubs talk with the aforementioned thick skulled asshole

Contentious episode.  Hit it – we’re getting down to the best time of year in sports


