Subway Series Recap, Mailbag Questions, And A Heartfelt Apology To Baseball's One True Ace: Jason "Big Ugly" Vargas

On today’s episode, we are joined by Yankees rat blogger Hubbs to recap yesterday’s Subway Series split. Once Hubbs scampered out of the studio, we discussed where we think the team will be come the trade deadline, KFC makes a formal apology to Aceon “The Big Ugly” Vargas among other Mets players. This upcoming schedule could decide the ultimate fate of the Mets, but in the mean time we’re still 33-34 and only 5 games back from first. We Gotta Believe.

Also we will be doing a Cuncel contest for people to pick the date KFC cuncels da saeson. All you have to do is leave us a 5 star review on iTunes while making your prediction of the cuncel date along with the reason for the cuncel (be creative because this franchise always finds new ways to trigger a cuncel). We will pick the winner once the cuncel inevitably arrives, even though I hope it never does and we are instead all drinking champagne at a Mets championship parade in November.