Red Line Radio Bang Bus Chronicles: The Time Eddie Was Offended For How I Put Onions On My Hot Dog

Eddie’s traditionalist mindset is driving me nuts at this point.  The guy just is so by the book it’s starting to affects my day to day life.  I can’t even eat a goddamn gas station hot dog without him criticizing how I slop my onions on it or how much mustard I choose to consume.

Anyways – loaded episode.  Carson Fulmer, Seby Zavala and Ryan Burr gave great perspective into what it’s like being part of the core of the next White Sox playoff team, how they want to go toe to toe with the Cubs and what life is like on the road.

We got a ton of content from the White Sox yesterday, special shout out to Scott Reifert and his team for making that happen for us.

I say this with no embellishment at all – our interview with Rick Hahn was the best we’ve ever executed a sit down with someone.  He came into the interview guns blazing and ready to go toe to toe with me knowing that I was about to hammer him with questions as a frustrated diehard fan of the organization he runs.  Oh, and yes, Hahn did confirm he wouldn’t have been on the bus if I chained myself to the statue.  Just an FYI.  But out of all of the interviews he’s done over the years, this was the most candid I can ever remember him being. There wasn’t much politicking around questions.  He answered them as truthfully as he could.  That, and he almost made Carl and I cry.  This trip was the 2 year anniversary of our first ever episode where we recorded with shitty microphones into google hangouts and Hahn knew that and offered a sincere congratulations to us for getting to where we are now.  Really hit us in the feels as the goddamn millennials say.

There is going to be a million different videos and interviews dropping from our short 4 day trip to the desert this week.  Carl and I feel like we hit a home with how it turned out and think you will feel the same.