I Have Reverse SAD

Little psychology lesson went down on KFC Radio today when I diagnosed myself with Reverse SAD. It’s a new thing, but it’s certainly a thing. The summer stinks. It’s hot, you’re sweating all the time, people want you to do shit, everyone says things like “beautiful day, isn’t it?” it’s just a stupid season. I’ve been out on summer since 1996, and I was still getting summers off back then.

But the fall and winter? That’s where I like to live. When everyone’s miserable, there are tons of huge sporting events on TV, you can get fits off daily, and no one wants to go outside and do shit. That’s heaven right there. I was walking down the street yesterday and got hit with a big burst of cold air and I hit that shit like it was a crack pipe. Took a deep breath, had it fill my lungs, and smiled the biggest smile I’ve had since last winter. I couldn’t be happier than I am when everyone else is sad.