Stormy Daniels Strip Performance Cut Short After A Man Threw A Wallet In Her Face


A drunk patron at Stars Cabaret in Bend threw his wallet at alleged presidential mistress Stormy Daniels in the middle of her much-anticipated strip show Thursday night, cutting short her performance.

Daniels, the 39-year-old porn star at the center of a Trump administration scandal involving a $130,000 hush money payoff, was dancing to Poison’s “Every Rose Has Its Thorn,” with nothing but high heels and a garter on her right leg when she was hit in the face with the wallet. Shocked, she ran off the stage after throwing the wallet back at the man. The crowd booed as an announcer said the show had to be stopped.

“I was being wasted,” the unnamed patron told police. Daniels refused to press charges, and the man was let go, free to walk home.

“I think she is a really nice person,” the man said. “I am extremely sorry.”

Throwing your wallet at someone when they are trying to work is pretty rude. Imagine waiting in line for hours to see a glimpse of Stormy Daniels boobies and some asshole throws his wallet and the show ends before you have the chance to waste hundreds of dollars on a lap dance where she tells you that you’re not like the other guys in here (who are all creeps) and she’ll totally give you her real number at the end of the night.

Can you believe it? Stormy Daniels’ real number! How exciting!

The fellas back at the ole blogging factory will never believe that you got to touch them titties with your face while having your hands tucked under your legs while sitting down so that you wouldnt touch them too much. There’s rules in the club, after all. No gripping. No twisting!

Right before all that happens, a wallet goes flying and hits your beloved in the face. The night is still young but the party is over. Oh well. At least you got an earworm out of it. You hadnt heard Poison in years. Every Rose Has Its Thorn still bangs (unlike you. Sad!)