Banned From Soccer Games, Iranian Women Pull A Reverse Mrs. Doubtfire

Welp, Iran into quite the sausage-fest on twitter yesterday when I learned that the Middle Eastern country didn’t want any dramatic people, who are always whining and exaggerating, ruining their soccer games…

…so they barred women from the stadium. Iranian women have been banned since the revolution in 1979, despite being humans who also enjoy sports.

The Islamic Republic of Iran Football Federation is a member of FIFA, who, let it be noted in the log, have done jack-shit about the gender discrimination taking place.

Luckily there’s a group with the spinal fortitude to stand up for Iranian women… these sweet dude-bros:

When I saw this story I let out a very strange and triumphant, “HA-HAAAAAA,” sound. Women there have a ways to go but they’re pushing for their rights despite the very real possibility of harsh consequences. I found many more examples of defiance as I spiraled down yet another internet rabbit hole, and there’s even sister’s jammin’ for the stadium-access cause.

You know what, that’s it… that song got me too pumped up. I’m all in. Ladies, get me a ticket for the next game. I’m on the way!

dood lady (2)

doood (2)
The International Trade Union Confederation, Building and Wood Workers’ International, FansEurope, Human Rights Watch and CHRI are calling on people to sign the petition against Iran’s stadium ban and spread the word on social media with the hashtag, #Watch4Women.