Church Bells In Stockholm Playing Avicii's 'Wake Me Up' Will Give You All The Feels

Wow. Pretty damn incredible. What a cool thing to do amongst one of the saddest stories ever. Church bells ringing out to the tune of ‘Wake Me Up’ was incredible. I got goosebumps on top of my goosebumps. That happened in the part of Stockholm where Avicii grew up. To be honest, I came to Avicii’s music late. I obviously knew about Levels cause everyone knew about Levels but I didn’t dive deeper until a few years ago. And guess what? I discovered what a lot of people already knew: Avicii’s music is fucking awesome. There’s so many good songs but Wake Me Up was and is far and away my favorite Avicii song. I’d bump it on repeat during my pre-Barstool days of blogging in my security guard shack. That song is about as inspirational as it gets. Very cool and moving thing for that Swedish church to do.

RIP Avicii