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Athletes In Time Magazine's '100 Most Influential People Of 2018' And How I Can Make This About Me

Time Magazine’s list of the ‘100 Most Influential People Of 2018′ came out today & broke it down into 4 categories: Pioneers, Leaders, Icons and Titans. That’s lovely and all, but what about me? Despite having all of my aunts & uncles liking my Facebook statuses on the regs, I’ve been having trouble relating to Time’s #PLIT list & seeing myself as an influencer, too. But it’s worth a shot.

Pioneer: Chloe Kim by David Chang


Chloe Kim won a gold medal in the half-pipe competition in the PyeongChang Olypmics at age 17. She’s also won gold at the X-Games 4x. A first-generation Korean American, Kim has graced the cover of Sports Illustrated & cereal boxes, speaks 3 languages and has been accepted to Princeton.

(When I was 17 I sat bench on the basketball team & spent my free time on joy-rides smoking out the window of a Dodge Neon Sport. It inspired others around me to join in & together we helped the Thorndale WaWa maintain steady business.)

Leader: J.J. Watt by Sylvester Turner


Hurricane Harvey was the 2nd most costly storm to strike the U.S. in over 100 years. Thousands lost everything they owned in the flooding and 83 lost their lives. J.J. Watt, Defensive End for the Houston Texans, stepped up when it was needed most. He lifted the morale of a heartbroken city & raised over $37 million for recovery efforts.

(I once raised $1000 for a veteran’s charity to get a spot in a marathon, finished it, & am pleased to report my nipples hardly bled. So, same?)

Icons: Adam Rippon by Cher


Significant strides have been made, but many LGBTQ athletes are still understandably hesitant to step out as their true selves. Adam Rippon is first & foremost an incredible athlete, and as a bonus he owns who he is without any shame, keeps his fans laughing with quick wit and gives zero fucks.

(I’m like that, too, but only after appx. 9 beers + 2 tequila shots and take away the athletic & funny parts & replace those with ugly-crying.)

Rachel Denhollander by Aly Raisman


Denhollander’s bravery unlocked a pandora box when she shined the spotlight on a monster in the gymnastics community & the organizations that failed to protect her and so many other victims. And as others came forward she was by their side helping them stick the landing when it came to facing their assaulter. Think it’s safe to say she also preemptively saved many girls who would have faced the same fate.

(Quick note on the least important person in all of this: I hope karma is treating Nassar well in a Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison.)


Roger Federer by Bill Gates


Can you imagine living in a world where Bill Gates is like, “Sure, I’ll do a write up on ‘ol Rog.” I can but it’ll probably take a few more years. Federer is a champion in tennis and he also hits grand slams for major philanthropy causes.

(I’m sorry for all these awful sports puns but I’m channeling Adam Rippon & trying to be my true self, which turns out is a ‘lil bit of a lame-o.)

Kevin Durant by Eddie Cue


Kevin Durant is a Warrior on the court and off (ehhh?!), fighting to make sure kids from tough backgrounds like his have the resources to succeed. He’s been a huge advocate for the College Track program & which helps students from lower incomes register for, excel in, and graduate college.

(If any college-aged readers see this & need help with their papers/homework please hit me up anytime as I am equally giving with my time as Durant. I would love to help you.) (If you’re still reading this, just kidding, please don’t.)

Virat Kohli by Sachin Tendulkar


Virat Kohli has always had a hunger for greatness, and he’s satisfied that appetite with cricket. (Singular.) Through the failures that come with every sport, he’s pushed through, keeps training harder than the rest and continues to come out on top. Now, Kohli is considered one of the world’s greatest and he’s an inspiration for India & beyond.

(Once I got my shoelace stuck in the spokes of my Huffy 5-speed & tore the ligaments in my left leg. But guess who hopped back on that bike & is considered the 8th best biker in a tiny suburban neighborhood?)