Barbara Bush, While On Her Death Bed, Is Living Her Best Life

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Man, being so old and so successful that you dont give a shit is a dream of mine. Just watching various news outlets report your death while you are kicked-back and drinking a nice American Bourbon must be the best way to go out.

I bet ole Barbs is quoting Monty Python like the savage that she is.

“Hey George! Im not dead. I feel happy! I feel happy! Pour me another one, and give me some of them buns.”

Handsy. I love it.

Truthfully, she probably is happy as a clam right now. How intrinsically happy are clams? I dunno. I didn’t make up the phrase but I like the idea of little blobs of matter just chilling in a lovely ocean bungalow with their feet up. I think that basically describes Barbara at this point. She’s happy as a clam and sippin a bourbon with the love of her life. If you’ve never read George’s love letter to Barbara, you are missing out. It’s a tale of love and war that will make you have a beautiful boner from romantic patriotism.