I Want To Be An Electric Violin Player

Last night while watching Wrestlemania, I was given a reminder that the ability to play the electric violin might be the coolest thing in the world. I don’t know if there is a situation where being able to whip out a violin and start shredding on it wouldn’t be the most absolutely bad-ass move you can pull.  I want to be an electric violin player so bad. I think the violin gets a reputation early in life as a girly instrument because in elementary school chicks always play the violin and the cool dudes play the drums and guitar and stuff like that. I’m extremely bad at all instruments, so I never had the real chance to play anything. I took guitar class senior year of high school expecting it to be an easy A and I fuckinggggg sucked at it. I also refused to practice but that’s neither here nor there. Some people are wired for instruments, others like myself simply aren’t. But I certainly would give my pinky toe for the ability to play electric violin. No brainer city. Exhibit A of why I want to play:

I mean, come on! So cool. I imagine in college all the time he was drunk and would whip out the ol’ violin and just go to town and next thing he knew he was banging every cheerleader.

And also, let’s not forget the violin player from Yellowcard.

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And I also got this tweet, which basically sums it up and is my favorite tweet of all time.


I had to settle for being a blogger, but in my next life, I’d like to apply to be an electric violin player. Just something for them to keep in mind at the ol’ cracker factory of reincarnation. (Barstool is huge there, so I know they’re reading this.)