The Milwaukee Brewers Reenacted A Scene From The Sandlot And It Is Fantastic

Shout out to my Milwaukee Brewers, easily one of the most likable teams in professional sports. This is a job well done here, fellas. It’s the 25th anniversary of The Sandlot coming up in a little less than three weeks, which makes me feel old as fuck, but also makes me feel happy and proud that this movie has stood the test of time. It was a classic when I was growing up, and it’s just as good now as it was back in ’93. Brewers catcher Stephen Vogt steals the show as Hamilton Porter, but I’d argue that he’s a much better hoops ref.

For as great as Vogt was, Eric Sogard as Squints was absolutely perfect. He nailed it. If you were going to cast anybody in baseball as Squints, Sogard would still be your guy even if you could pick anybody from any team. And, of course, we’ve gotta give a huge shout out to Hank the Dog, who plays The Beast. If you’re not familiar with Hank the Dog, he showed up to Brewers spring training camp in 2014 without an owner, was later adopted by the Brewers and quickly became their team mascot/Milwaukee legend.

Also, it sounds like Benny The Jet Rodriguez is going to be paying a visit to Barstool HQ some time in the near future.

That off day that the Mayor of Ding Dong City is referring to is on April 12 before the Brewers take on the Mets for a three-game weekend series. Sounds like Starting 9, sounds like Section 10, sounds like KFC Radio, sounds like Barstool Radio, sounds like…Barstool Gametime?

Fire up the N64 for some Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. Get me a Playstation 2 and a copy of MVP ’05 immediately, and MLB The Show ’18 for PS4 comes out next Tuesday. Let’s. Fuckin’. Go.