Weight Loss Update: I Lost 13 Pounds In February, Bringing The Total To 34 Pounds Lost

And we’re back! So a month ago I blogged about how I lost 21 pounds in January. I weighed 242 pounds at the end of January. I hopped on the scale this morning and I now weigh 229 pounds. So I lost 13 pounds in February bringing the total to 34 pounds lost. I’m not gonna lie, seeing my weight in the 220s blew my goddamn mind this morning. I haven’t come CLOSE to the 220s since high school. I could almost play linebacker again.

What did I do to lose the additional 13 pounds? Pretty much the exact same thing I did a month ago. I ellipticalled my face off, fought off AirHead cravings every single night*, allowed myself one cheat day a week and stuck to my diet. Like I said in the original blog, it’s the most simple thing in the world but it’s also super complicated. The whole thing sucks and I wish I could eat whatever I want but I do feel like I’ve hit a nice groove.

People have been asking me a lot about the elliptical. I’ve been getting questions about resistance and interval training and all that shit. I don’t do any of that. I literally go to the gym, get on the elliptical for 45 minutes, get off and go home. I do zero resistance or interval training. It’s just 45 minutes of straight elliptical. You just gotta go do it.

In terms of the diet, I replaced the two bananas a day with two hard boiled eggs. I still eat stinky fish or chicken and a PILE of asparagus for lunch. For dinner I’ve recently started eating an omelet with spinach, onions and mushrooms. Eating the same thing every single day doesn’t work for everybody but it works for me. The main goal is to consume as little carbs as possible. I’ve mostly cut out drinking completely. You can call me a #nerd all you want but I’m at my worst, in terms of eating/being a functioning human, when I’m hungover. Booze doesn’t lend itself to weight loss. You gotta make sacrifices.

The diet took a hit when I went down to Boca and hung out with the Cousins. I’m all for being healthy but I draw the line at being annoying (#gang tweets notwithstanding). I didn’t wanna be the dude at dinner who was like, “Umm well actually I’ll just take a salad.” Fuck that. We went to an steak house and I ate countless rolls, a pile of mashed potatoes and a big ass steak. We went to an Italian place and I ate chicken parm, garlic bread and bruschetta. You gotta roll with the punches.

So that’s it. I weigh 13 pounds less than I did a month ago. I weigh 34 pounds less than I did two months ago. I feel good. It’s still super hard but it gets easier as you go. This is how I’ve ended the last two weight loss blogs so we’ll keep it going

I simply need to move my body around more so I don’t pack as much weight on my body. That’s it. Maybe eat a little better, too. I was doing nothing before. Now I’m doing a little more than nothing and that’s perfect.

That’s still the goal. We’re gonna keep working. See you in a month.


*Seriously. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with the AirHead cravings. Have I always liked AirHeads? Of course. They’re fruity. They’re chewy. They’re delicious. But ever since I started working out I want them all the time. I want them right now. On my cheat days, I crush countless AirHeads.

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