I Am Now Very Much Addicted To Speed Skating Crashes

So it’s tough to grab footage from these current Olympics without getting slapped with a C&D. But after some careful consideration, I have now concluded that speed skating crashes have been my favorite part of the games so far in Pyeongchang. Especially so in the short track speed skating. These fuckers are flying around these turns and the track looks like it’s only the size from the top of the circles to top of the circles on an actual hockey rink. Imagine having a full track event in your living room or something. They’re ripping it up out there and there’s just about zero room to work with. Which creates a perfect storm the moment somebody goes down.

The moment somebody goes down, they’re taking out pretty much everyone else with them. It’s pure chaos. It’s like NASCAR on ice except better because you can immediately laugh at all the wipeouts without having to wait to make sure nobody died first. Plus they look like a bunch of jabronis in their spandex suits all scattered out across the ice.

And that’s just one the beautiful thing about the Olympics. You have all of these sports you pretty much never pay attention to outside of these couple of weeks in February every 4 years. And then before you know it, you’re hooked. In the first week of February, pretty much the only thing I knew about speed skating was Apolo Ohno. Now it’s February 15th and I’m very much addicted to speed skating wrecks. My YouTube history right now is pretty much just “speed skating crashes” and “philly special”.
