Finally Have Our First Brawl Between Philly Fans Along The Parade Route... What Took So Long?

Not for nothing but think Philadelphia deserves a little credit here. It’s 2:30 pm and this is the FIRST fighting video to hit the Internet streets. That’s goddamn impressive, as I’m sure most people outside of Broad Street assumed this is what the parade would look like all day. Probably just got into an argument over who should start next year between Foles and Wentz, and that’s a valid debate until Ginger Jesus is fully healed.

The brawls are either gonna stop or escalate REAL quick since the Birds just pulled up to the steps of the Museum of Art and thousands of people broke out into their *actual* fighting song…

But if anyone can heal the fresh wounds of these Philly fans, it’s Gingerless Jesus…

PS: Jason Kelce UPDATE… fucking those streets even harder with some helping hands