Roger Federer Wins His 20th Grand Slam Title at the Aussie Open

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TWENTY GRANDSLAM TITLES. That’s fucking insane. The man simply doesn’t age. His forehand is magical, his one-handed backhand is spectacular, his serve is impeccable. Oh yeah, he’s 36 years old out pacing the rest of the group by years, even decades to some. He’s doing stuff Tom Brady isn’t even doing. Tiger Woods salivates at what Roger Federer is doing right now to his sport. He defended a grand slam title for the first time in a decade tonight which is just pure lunacy at his age.

Coming into this tournament last year many viewed it as his last chance to win a major title. Now he’s won three since that moment. LOL what! The Swiss Maestro is just on a different level than everyone else. The night started out in a thought of blowout fashion, similar to Wimbledon 2017 where Cilic was resorted to tears for how bad Fed was beating the Croatian. Credit to the big fella for fighting, but Federer held strong mentally for five sets and was able to overpower Cilic in the fifth, deciding set.

I cry a little bit everytime Federer wins a grandslam now. He’s 36 years old, you just never know when it’ll be over. You never know when he’ll just hang em up in a post match press conference (when I’ll die as a human being). This time last year I cried in a hotel casino while playing blackjack at 6am after he beat Nadal in Australia in a 5 set marathon. I cried during Wimbledon, and I cried tonight. If you can’t appreciate Roger Federer’s greatness you’re an asshole plain and simple. What he’s doing to this sport is remarkable, practically putting it on his shoulders despite being the oldest of the players by far that is still winning. I simply love this guy, he handles himself like Jeter on the court and is a role model you want to raise your kids as. Not saying you want to raise your kid to be a tennis player, but in terms of class there is no better than Roger Federer.

I love this man more than words can express.

Jesus Christ, I’m a mess. I need sleep. God bless you Fed

P.S. This guy sounds more like Fed than Fed does