Elon Musk Is Selling A Flamethrower In Hopes People Will Think He's Cool Again

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The Verge- SpaceX, Tesla, and Boring Company CEO Elon Musk is known for making bold promises on deadlines he often can’t keep. That’s why this one from last December sounded more like an Onion headline than anything: “After [we sell] 50k [Boring Company] hats, we will start selling The Boring Company flamethrower.” On Christmas Eve, after selling said 50,000 hats, he tweeted that the flamethrowers were coming “soon!” Mark this down as one of the promises Elon delivers on, apparently, because it looks like the Boring Company flamethrower is here. Redditors in a few SpaceX, Boring Company, and Musk-related subreddits noticed earlier this week that the URL “boringcompany.com/flamethrower” started redirecting to a page with a password box. And at least one user was able to guess the original password, too: “flame.” (It’s since been changed.)

Alright listen. I’ll be the first to admit that flamethrowers are fucking awesome. You wanna make me like you? Tell me you have a flamethrower that I can use. I mean it’s a gun that shoots flames, what’s not to love? Anyone who has ever played a first-person shooter video game also loves flamethrowers. Those thing put in work. Especially is close combat. You get your paws on a flamethrower and you make it rain hell fire on your enemies. It’s so much fun that it should be illegal.

But all of those reasons above are precisely why Elon Musk is now selling a flamethrower. He knows that people love flamethrowers so he thinks if he sells one that people will think he’s cool again. I’m not falling for it. I won’t. This dude thinks he can deliver on a flame-tossing gun and we’ll just forget about all of his other massive failures? Not happening pal. I see what’s going on here, other people might not, but I see it. He’s selling a flamethrower to throw people off the scent of his race to Mars against Boeing. People need to open their eyes and see what a manipulating fraud Elon in. Also, who would be crazy enough to buy an Elon Musk-approved flamethrower? After we’ve watched countless videos of his rockets failing? Are you insane? That flamethrower has gotta be a piece of shit. You pull the trigger and flames shoot out the back and kill you or some shit. Thanks but no thanks, Elon. Nice try buddy.