NFL Network Says the Woman Suing Them for Sexual Harassment Was Basically Asking for it or Something

Jami Cantor

TMZ - The NFL Network is firing back at the former wardrobe stylist who claimed she was sexually harassed by on-air talent like Marshall Faulk and Donovan McNabb … saying she approved of the inappropriate behavior.

NFL Enterprises — which runs the football network — filed its response to Jami Cantor’s lawsuit on January 18 … denying all of her claims and asking the court to throw it out.

As we previously reported … Cantor made several claims of sexual harassment from 2006 until she was fired in 2016. She alleges Faulk pulled out his genitals in front of her and asked invasive questions.

Cantor also claims McNabb sent texts to her asking if “she was a squirter” and telling her she “looked like the kind of girl that squirted when getting f***ed,” … and accused Warren Sapp of urinating in front of her.

Ike Taylor, Eric Davis and Heath Evans were also named in the suit.

The response claims Jami “approved, consented to, authorized, and/or ratified” all of the misconduct … translation — she was cool with it.

Well that settles that. In a world of #MeToo, sexual harassment laws and Time’s Up, NFL Enterprises comes in from the clouds with a whole new policy. Their employees can whip their dicks out, stick their hands under skirts, ask co-workers if they squirt while they’re being fucked and piss in front of them, as long as said co-workers are OK with it. I mean, I know a couple working in the same office and had to sign waivers just to go on dates together or risk getting terminated. But in Roger Goodell’s Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the standards are a little more … relaxed.

At this point the documents haven’t been released so we don’t know exactly how Jami Cantor approved, consented to, authorized, and/or ratified any of this. Are they saying she was asking for it by the way she dressed? Arguing that she walked around with a “show me your dick” look in her eyes? Or did she come right out and tell these guys “Hey, want to know if I squirt?” Because you’d think in 2018 that’s not enough. That there’d be some sort of a form you’d file with Human Resources putting it in writing that you’d like to see Marshall Faulk’s wang in the office. At least confirming with with your supervisor you’re OK with getting dick pics sent to you by Heath Evans. Maybe putting it on your appointment calendar that you’ll be watching Warren Sapp piss from 12:30-1:00, just to keep a log for your files. And if you’re talking about squirting with Donovan McNabb, you want to let payroll know you were on the clock and not on your personal time.

So way to run an operation, NFL. Meanwhile Barstool will go to Minneapolis and be treated like a pariah while the league is defending its stars’ right to Harvey Weinstein the hell out of low level female employees. So much for “No More,” I guess.
