Trump Lawyer Suing Buzzfeed For Publishing Infamous Dossier Claiming Trump Hired Russian Hookers To Pee On Each Other

NBC NewsA personal lawyer for President Donald Trump filed a defamation action against the website BuzzFeed on Tuesday for publishing a 35-page dossier alleging that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia.

The lawyer, Michael Cohen, provided NBC News with a copy of the lawsuit, which was filed in New York State Supreme Court.

Buzzfeed response

NYT Op-ed: “I’m Proud We Published the Trump-Russia Dossier.” Smith made this argument in the op-ed: “I haven’t had a single person approach me to say, ‘I wish I hadn’t read the dossier, and wish I had less insight into the forces at play in America.’ Do you feel that way? Does anyone?”

Most important part of dossier


Ahhhh a good old fashioned urination show. Good times! Bad for the image maybe, but gotta love those wild times in Russia. Just a bunch of crazy kids seeing the world! Hiring Russian hookers to hop into the Obama’s Moscow bed and pee on each other! Classic!

Look, I want this dossier to be true more than anything. NEED it to be true. The world is a better place if it’s true: means journalism is alive and well and means the most powerful person in the world is such an UNBELIEVABLY spiteful yet committed savage that he goes to MAGNIFICENT lengths to defile the beds of his political adversaries. That’s incredible.

Hoping this lawsuit clears up any confusion and we get strong confirmation that all this is SPOT on.

I’ll now close with a nice, positive note in the right direction from Buzzfeed editor Ben Smith:

But a year of government inquiries and blockbuster journalism has made clear that the dossier is unquestionably real news. That’s a fact that has been tacitly acknowledged even by those who opposed our decision to publish.

Real news… let’s go!