I Dont Know Why But I Wanna Eat A Silica Gel "Do Not Eat" Package


Lots of good info in that video but that’s not what this is about. Sure, I too love a tip that helps me dry my phone out without using rice. Who doesn’t? Anyway, I wanna eat the package. I dont know why I do but I do. I have for years. Each time I’ve opened a new pair of shoes or looked in the pocket of a jacket, I’ve seen one of those bags. Each time I thought to myself, “What’s the harm? It’s just some beads that take away moisture which prevents mold and other harmful bacteria from growing. Would taking away mold or other harmful bacterium from my body be such a bad thing? I doubt it. Black mold can kill!”

Now remember, I was only 4 when those thoughts first popped into my head. Does that make me a silica gel genius? I dont know. That’s not for me to decide.

I’m gonna eat the beads. Have to.