Cardinal Law Goes to Hell


And so ends the mortal life of the most notorious pedophile enabler in our lifetimes. If you don’t know who Cardinal Bernard Francis Law was or why everyone in Boston would like him to be brought back here for burial so we can piss on his grave, let me walk you through it.

Law was the head guy in the Boston Archdiocese during the priest sex scandal abuse that The Boston Globe uncovered in 2002. The one that was the subject of 2015’s Best Picture winner, Spotlight. The fact that Law was captain of the rape ship S.S. Pedo alone would be enough to make him mourned by no one. But what he did was much, much worse. He was actively involved in lining up fresh victims for the degenerates working under him. He’d cover up their crimes. Say whatever needed to be said to the victims’ parents to get them to shut up. Then he’d move the offending priest someplace else. And not just a few times, either. Literally hundreds of times.

Just to give one major example, Father John Geoghan was named by 130 different victims of fondling or raping them. I’ll repeat that. 130. As many as seven in one extended family, one of them a 4-year-old. Law knew about it, that much is clear based on internal memos that were uncovered by the Globe despite Law’s attorney’s efforts to keep them secret.

And what was Law’s method of stopping this monster in his midst? He transferred him. Not to prison. Not to a psych ward. Not to the courts to deal with him. Not even to some monastery where he’d never be around anyone under the age of 50. He sent him to St. Julia’s in Weston, MA. And put him in charge of three different youth groups. When he offended again, Law put him in some program designed to pray the pedophile out of him, declared him cured and sent him back to St. Julia’s to work with kids some more. That was just one of Geoghan’s six stops in his Child Rapist Hall of Fame career. Law knew goddamned well he had a shark working for him, and his solution was to keep moving him to another fish tank.

And that’s just one priest. One set of victims. There have been literally hundreds of both. And the Archbishop actively and knowingly transferred these demons around, putting more kids in their paths. All while passing himself off as Christ’s representative in the region. That would be the same Jesus who said that anyone who would harm a child ” it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). The Jesus of “And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, ‘Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me’” (Mark 9:36). This withered old soulless piece of shit who finally did one decent thing in his life by croaking, knew his minions were hiding behind the word of God to target poorer, usually fatherless and vulnerable kids and rape them, and Bernard Law helped them do just that.

And now he’s dead at last. So if 2017 has given us nothing else that’s good, it’s given us this. Those victims he helped create are hopefully getting the help they need to heal the scars the outside world can’t see. And the rest of us will have to find some solace in knowing that Law will spend the rest of eternity being raped by Satan. Do not rest in peace, asshole.
