People Having Sex On A Sheep Statue Get Loudly Cheered By People Passing By

What a beautiful moment. There’s two kinds of people in this world. The type of people who call the cops when they see people having sex on top of a sheep statue and then there’s the type of people who cheer loudly when they see people having sex on top of a sheep statue. Frankly, the world needs more people who would loudly cheer. Everybody needs to take a deep breath and simply enjoy the wonders of the world as they’re presented to you. Including two people having sex on top of a sheep statue. They weren’t hurting anybody. They’re both adults. The sex was consensual. Everybody wins. No need to ruin a good time by calling the cops. Instead, cheer them on for their great accomplishment.

By the way, the girl not giving a flying fuck that people were watching was maybe the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. You’d think a girl would be embarrassed and run away. Nope. Not her. She’s ride or die while bent over a sheep statue. That’s the kind of girl I’m looking for in my life. A lady in the street but a freak on the sheep.