North Korea's New Missile That Can (allegedly) Nuke America Is Alarmingly Huge

Is that a North Korean missile or the new Apollo mission? Jesus Christ, thing’s massive. Settle down North Korea. This actually makes me feel a little safer. Yeah they’re calling it “bigger and scarier” but the scientist in me feels like you gotta be able to whip up smaller, leaner, sneakier missiles to be effective, right? Like we absolutely gotta be able to see that big dumb thing coming and shoot it out the sky. If we can’t then what are we even doing?

The North Koreans can (allegedly) fire this Intercontinental Ballistic Missile with a nuke on it and it can reach anywhere in the US. Not good.

Donnie says don’t worry, he’s handling it.

Don’t love that he’s chirping a nuclearly-armed Little Rocket Man who can now reach New York City.

Always just kinda thought worst case scenario they’d nuke California and we’d get our shit together and take them out before they got to the East Coast. But this is not good. This is scary. Hopefully these two are just squabbling publicly to protect their respective images back home but privately everything’s fine.

Unfortunately that seems like a convenient theory I just created in my brain based off of literally nothing.