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If This Video Is Any Indication, Maryland Hoops Is The Best Team In The Nation

Bro sweeeeeet!

I’ll be real real here- I actually love a good Bro Sweet video now and again. That shit looks hard! I can barely make a free throw. I mean, I think if you put me at the line right now, I’d make 4/10. Give me 10 sets of 10 and I’d peak at 6/10. Good enough to play Center in the NBA, no big deal. But I choose to be a blogger instead of playing center in the NBA, just the kind of guy I am. I’d miss you all too much.

But I digress- I’m pretty pumped for the return of college basketball. It used to be my number 1 sport. Was completely obsessed with it growing up. Those old Maryland vs Duke games still send shivers down my spine. I don’t want to sound like too much of an old man here, but it’s been hard for me to follow college basketball over the last few years. Too many great players at great programs 1-and-done, and it’s hard for me to follow teams when they don’t build over time. It used to be so fun to watch guys develop and then you had all these 3 and 4 year guys going deep in March Madness- it just ain’t what it used to be, ya know?

But anyway, I’m excited for the Terps this year, should be a lot of fun to watch this very skilled team. Looking forward to seeing Huerter go HAM and Cowan be the fastest dude on the planet. Could it be….Terps Year?!