People Were Shopping Around Nudes Of Sia So Sia Just Went Ahead And Released Them Herself

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Live look at Sia to the people shopping her nudes

That’s gangsta. I love this move. As a diehard fan of the movie 8 Mile, I can’t help but respect the move. Eminem taught everyone a valuable lesson in that movie: You can’t use things against me if I own up to them first. Lean into the wave. You can’t sell Sia nudes if she beats you to the punch and releases them herself. So now these nude shoppers are holding worthless nudes just like Papa Doc was holding the worthless mic after B- Rabbit owned up to being white and a fucking bum. How many times am I gonna reference 8 Mile in this blog? As many times as I damn well please cause it’s a great movie.

Now that I think about it, everyone should just release their nudes. Fuck it. Let’s get nuts. Guys and gals. Let’s operate with 100% transparency. There’s no shame in having nudes if everyone’s nudes are out there. That’d be as progressive as it gets. #BodyPostive. It’s kinda like if everyone has AIDS then no one has AIDS. Let’s all just get our nudes out there so no one can ever hold them above us and blackmail us. Somebody start and we’ll all follow suit.

Now please enjoy the 8 Mile rabbit hole you’re about to trip and fall into