The Worst Woman In The World Gets Caught On Video Stealing An Uber Driver's Tip Jar Money

Daily Mail- A woman was caught on camera brazenly emptying her Uber driver’s tip jar. The incident was caught on camera as the driver dropped off a group of friends in New York City.

According to the driver, Uber responded with a canned response when he emailed them about the incident.’We understand your frustration with this experience. We’ve attempted to contact the rider by phone and email, but haven’t been able to resolve this issue. The rider responded to us and advised us that she didn’t steal your cash from the tip jar. If you believe the rider has your cash as captured from your dash cam and is refusing to return it, you may want to initiate a formal investigation via the police.’

The driver says he was too busy working to file a police report after the video was filmed in August of this year. However, Uber tell they have been in contact with the man to offer support.

Meanwhile, the thief has since had her account deactivated by the ride-sharing company and is no longer allowed to used the service.’What’s been shown has no place on our app and the rider’s access to the app has been removed,’ as spokesman for Uber said.

Alright everybody, repeat after me on the count of three.



The internet is a pretty divided place in 2017. Everyone is mad online about something that somebody else said or did. But I think we can all agree to unite and say that this chick is the worst person on on the planet, at least for today. Anybody that has worked an hour in any type of service industry knows just how thankless a job it is to serve other people. That tip jar is the only bastion of light keeping you going off on some shitty asshole asking for less head on their beer or more avocado on their toast. In my mind, everyone is worthy of at least a 20% tip until they prove they aren’t. And more often than not, you should drop a single into the jar if there is good service at your local grub spot. Taking money from said jar should never go through your head. And that girl stole that guy’s money after he likely had to listen to her and her friends yap about what I imagine is some of the most annoying stories in the history of Uber driving. Jail time!

And while I appreciate Uber blackballing this chick from the app, I also think that is a weak punishment. Who the hell sits middle seat in an Uber they are paying for? Unless this chick is somehow even less likable than Angelina from Jersey Shore, she shouldn’t have to pay AND sit bitch. Then again, if you would willfully steal a few bucks from an Uber driver, you probably have less than 0 true friends. So while the phrase Snitches Get Stitches is one of the foundations that the Casa de Clem is built on, you better believe I would rat this chick out to Uber the second they contacted me so I didn’t lose access to the app.

Look straight ahead if you want to go viral on the internet for what amount to stripper scraps!