Last Night In The NBA: It Appears The Warriors Have Figured It Out

Golden State Warriors v Denver Nuggets

Welcome back to Last Night InThe NBA where we catch you up on everything that happened the night before in the Association. Perhaps after a long day of day drinking and college football watching you didn’t realize that there were 5 NBA games on last night. That’s OK, I’m here to help. Here’s what happened

Grizzlies (6-3) 113 vs Clippers (5-3) 104

To beat a good team like the Clippers, you are going to need a balanced approach, and you are going to have to take care of the basketball. Well, I would say getting double figures from 7 players and committing just 11 TOs fit hte bill for the Grizzlies. It also helps when 3 of those 7 guys break the 20 point barrier.

Chander Parsons also had his second game this season in double figures with 10, and did you know he currently has a PER of 21.92? Pretty good for a guy most left for dead!

For LAC, a tough loss no doubt, but at least Blake is still dominating

If I could offer just a bit of advice, moving forward try to avoid going 4-26 from behind the arc. If I’m a Clippers fan I love Patrick Beverley for a lot of reasons, but 8 3PA is too many for him. Less of those, more of this

Pistons (7-3) 108 vs Kings (1-8) 99

Watching Pistons game is a weird experience. They aren’t exactly fun to watch, but they have fun players, if that makes any sense. For example in this game they shot 50/54% from the field, that should mean exciting basketball. But yet, the more I watch Reggie Jackson take 50000 dribbles and then be subbed in by Ish Smith who takes 30000 dribbles each possession, it’s not the best. They did however get a beautiful performance from Avery with 24 points on 10-15 shooting

They still need to realize he isn’t much of a play maker, his 5 TOs were no surprise, but to be where they are without even really using Avery correctly is pretty good.

It’s also crazy that they keep getting big time shots from Anthony Tolliver. Not only is this dude still in the league, but he’s making an impact! He had 10 points and a couple threes off the bench

For SAC, this was now their 7th loss in a row. Not great! They just can’t score. These 99 points were the most in their last 4 games, which certainly isn’t ideal. They shot the ball well, with 52/47% splits, but 17 TOs is brutal and their slow third quarter killed them.

Zbo did have 19, and Fox had 14 on 50% shooting so there were some positives, but man, the Kings had most of us (myself really) fooled after the summer they had

Pelicans (5-5) 96 vs Bulls (2-6) 90

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Boogie and AD combined for nearly half of NO’s points

Good thing too because every other Pelicans starters went 8-28. On top of that, who would have thought that it would have been Jameer Nelson who made such an impact down the stretch?

For CHI, a tough loss for sure. I thought when they got to OT maybe they had a chance, but they just didn’t have the shooting. Baby Dirk while having 14/7/4 did struggle from behind the arc going just 2-11, and Holiday despite his 18/9 went 3-10 as well. Despite the low score and at times ugly basketball, at least it was close throughout the entire game which was fun

Timberwolves (6-3) 112 vs Mavericks (1-10) 99

Look who’s streaking! This now marks the fourth in a row for MN, and they got it by a couple of solid performances from their studs. KAT had 31/12 on 11-18 and the Canadian Jordan had 23 on 9-14

Now they were fortunate to be playing DAL, because normally a 1-7 performance from Jimmy Butler isn’t going to work out so well, and combining that with 18 TOs and no bench players in double figures, the Wolves caught a bit of a break.

For DAL, what else is there to say. They’re probably the worst team in the NBA, and that’s saying something. This was their 6th loss in a row, they’re winless on the road, and they are showing no signs of improving anytime soon.

Thankfully though, they have Dennis Smith Jr who at least makes it somewhat worth watching what they call “basketball”

He’ll be good, but at some point you have to make your teammates better no?

Warriors (7-3) 127 vs Nuggets (5-5) 108

The Warriors figured out whatever issues they had early on. This was now the 5th time in 8 games they broke the 120 mark. Yes, if you’re wondering what this means, it means we’re all fucked.

For DEN, they didn’t have one starter break 9 points, in fact they had just 3 players total in double figures. Their offense had been rolling as of late, but 17 TOs and 25% shooting from deep is not going to beat GS. In fact, it’s going to get you killed.

Will Barton had 21/8/5 though. And this guy nailed it!

I dunno guys, maybe play the fucking guy more and you’ll have more plays like this

And that’s it! You’re now all caught up on everything that happened last night in the NBA. Now I know there’s football on today, but there are also 10 more NBA games so if you decide you want to be a sheep and just watch football instead, make sure to check back here tomorrow morning for everything you may have missed.