Epic Throw: Soccer Fan Takes Down A Drone With A Roll Of Toilet Paper

Brilliantly done. Excellent stream-to-roll ratio. Had to be at least thirty yards. I’m kind of surprised at how easy it went down. I thought drones were supposed to be tough but apparently all it takes is a roll of triple-ply. Don’t tell ISIS. Judging from the audible gasp the crowd seemed surprised too. I can’t imagine he was expecting to actually hit it. Which sucks because now he’s probably on the hook for a thousand bucks.

Soccer fans never cease to amaze me. Every time they make headlines it’s for something ridiculous. A few weeks ago, some kid threw a paper airplane into the net and you’d think they won the World Cup. Considering they used to celebrate by lighting cars on fire and fighting each other, it’s a step in the right direction.

Makes you wonder what kind of celebrations we’re going to see when it rolls around come June. Political unrest makes for the best crowds. It’s in Russia too so there are basically no rules. I’d like to see something completely new: an animal sacrifice, a vulgar chant. Although, if they want to stick to feel good celebrations I’m fine with that too. Not as exciting but at least people won’t die.