The Miz Just Casually Murdered Baron Corbin With A Promo On Twitter

Here lies Baron Corbin, born Thomas Pestock on September 13, 1984, who was brutally murdered tonight by Mike “The Miz” Mizanin. Corbin was just 33 years old, and the homicide was committed after he attempted to cut a promo in the build to WWE’s pay-per-view, Survivor Series.

TOOOOUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH look for Baron here. What’s the quote? You come at the King you best not miss? Yeah, that’s what happened here. There’s like three people you shouldn’t cut promos on unprovoked: Kevin Owens, John Cena, and The Miz. They’ll bury you six feet deep without breaking a sweat. I mean, “…while the United States Championship is working overtime to make IT’S holder relevant” was the dagger. The generic big man line that followed was overkill where I had to turn my head because things were getting too gruesome. The emotion and cursing after that, muah, spicy meatball.

Congrats to The Miz for instantly making me care about this thrown together program I previously didn’t have much interest in!

More and more wrestlers are blurring the kayfabe line on social media and I’m never sure if I’m getting worked or not – which is awesome. It happened just yesterday with Kevin Owens and Randy Orton!

Dave Lagana came on From The Top Rope a few weeks ago and discussed how wrestlers should be using social media, and how the whole business will move in this direction soon enough, and he couldn’t have been more on the head.