George RR Martin Calls Being a Jets Fan 'Unending Torment'


George RR Martin’s Not a BlogLife for a Jets fan is an unending torment.

Last week the refs gave the Pats an win over Gang Green with a bullshit reversal of a touchdown, one of the worst calls in the history of the NFL.

This weeks the Jets did it to themselves, blowing a two-touchdown lead in the fourth quarter to lose to the Fins. Total choke job.

Josh McCown finished the choke with a horrible INT with seconds left. He’s a decent quarterback, but he’s not the answer. He’s too old to be the future. He’s Fitzmagic the Second. The Jets need to bench him and play Petty and Hack to see if one of those might offer hope.

But they won’t. They will keep on playing McCown, and win just enough games to make sure they don’t get a good QB prospect in the draft, thereby assuring us of another decade of mediocrity.

That’s the Jet Way.

While I appreciate both the nerdgod status that George RR has achieved and his spot on Jets analysis, I have to call bullshit on this. While he describes life as Jets fan as only the distinguished man of letters who created a world with Direwolves, Three-Eyed Ravens and Cock Merchants could, I just can’t buy that he’s actually a Jets fan.

Why? Because he’s a Giants fan. I admit that I’ve hardly been to New York in my life. (Which is no accident, by the way.) So maybe I’m no expert, but I truly believe that if Martin likes the Jets and the Giants than he’s the only living being who can make that claim. Unless everything I know about anything is wrong, it just makes no sense on any level. It’s like saying you like Ohio State and Michigan. North and South Korea. Or to use his own work against him, it’s like pulling for House Targaryen and House Lannister to sit on the Iron Throne.

There’s a simpler explanation. This latest rant isn’t about Martin being a Jets fan because he’s not. Not to make this all about the Patriots, but this is all about how much he hates the Patriots. Specifically, Belichick. From “A Song of Fire and Ice.” (emphasis mine):

 The galley was also where the ship’s books were kept… the fourth and final volume of The Life of the Triarch Belicho, a famous Volantene patriot whose unbroken succession of conquests and triumphs ended rather abruptly when he was eaten by giants.

Here’s what he wrote on his blog in January of 2015, before the AFC division round game in New England.

 Of course, I will be rooting hard for the Ravens to defeat Evil Little Bill and his Patriots. Hey, they are named in honor of Edgar Allen Poe, a fellow writer… and while it is true they beat my Giants in a Super Bowl once, it’s been a long time, I forgive them.

And this, from March of 2013:

Oh, and the Patriots … what a vile thing is Evil Little Bill. The way he treated Wes Welker is disgraceful. Man has absolutely no loyalty to anyone. Watch and see, when Tom Brady‘??s talents start to fade … and they will, it happens to all of them Evil Little Bill will ship him out as well.

So yeah, Martin can tell me he loves the Giants. He can tell me he doesn’t like my tie. He can tell me the Many Faced God can help a teenage runaway slap a severed face on her face and be unrecognizable. But he can’t tell me he gives a baby-making incestuous fuck about the Jets. This is all about hating Evil Little Bill. But still, he’s a great enough writer that he got the Jets experience 100 percent right.
