Notre Dame Is Back, All The Way Back To Knute Rockne Football

The more things change the more they stay the same. Let’s go back to the original Notre Dame glory days, Year Of Our Lord, Nineteen-Hundred and Twenty-Eight. Knute Rockne giving his now famous speech to fire up the boys. The “old Notre Dame way”. Who knew that 90 some odd years later the key to Notre Dame winning football was hiding right there in plain sight.

” If they throw a forward pass, a zone pass, wait ‘til you see the ball in the air — and then go and get it!”

“We’re going inside of ‘em,”

“we’re going outside of ‘em”

“inside of ‘em!”

“outside of ‘em!”

 “And we’re not going to pass unless their secondary comes up too close.”

“But don’t forget, men — we’re gonna get ‘em on the run, we’re gonna go, go, go, go! — and we aren’t going to stop until we go over that goal line!”

And don’t forget, men — today is the day we’re gonna win. They can’t lick us — and that’s how it goes… The first platoon men — go in there and fight, fight, fight, fight, fight! What do you say, men!

What’s old is new again in South Bend. The Irish are back to their bread and butter. Run the football, take it away, hit a couple over the top to keep the defense honest, and sprint back towards the top of the polls. That’s the Four Horsemen, that’s Paul Hornung, that’s Tony Rice, that’s NOTRE DAME. Hell if they still had the long grass the Irish probably beat Georgia and are sitting undefeated. Throwing the ball is for chumps. Just get behind your Heisman running back, your nasty offensive line, and your 4.4-running QB and pound people into the dirt. Saddle up and ride.

The haters can hem and haw all they want, but it’s going to be VERY difficult to keep Notre Dame out of the playoffs with their schedule. Long way to go, but if the Irish win out with NC State, Miami, and Stanford still on the schedule and their only loss is to a 12-1 Georgia team in Week 2 without long grass then ND is very much in the National Championship picture and all is right with the world.

–TCU is undefeated, but the Big12 STINKS

–Alabama and Georgia will eliminate each other in the SEC Title Game. You could make a case that the loser still deserves to get if that’s their only loss, but the SEC ain’t what it used to be and I don’t think the committee would want to have a rematch in the first round of the playoffs.

–Penn State will eliminate Ohio State and Wisconsin

–Clemson wins the ACC and both ND and Clemson beat Miami

–And then there was one…Notre Dame.

Wake Up The Echoes, Shake Down The Thunder. Notre Dame is a contender.