Fired WWE Writer Jimmy Jacobs Got Another Selfie With The Bullet Club Last Night

Why is this important? Why is this blog worthy? Well, I don’t know. Maybe it’s not, but it’s kind of a feel good story for you on a gloomy Monday.

Last week I blogged that Jimmy Jacobs was fired from the WWE for taking a picture with the Bullet Club outside Monday Night RAW. It was a completely ridiculous and petty reason to fire somebody who was integral in developing some of the best WWE storylines in years, including the “Festival of Friendship” breakup between Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho.

At Ring of Honor’s pay per view, Global Wars, last night, Jimmy Jacobs took another Bullet Club selfie, and things just felt right.

Jimmy Jacobs, the “Zombie Princess”, is one of the most iconic figures in the history of ROH, and his rivalry with BJ Whitmer is highly regarded as the greatest independent wrestling feud of all time. So yeah, he lost his job at the “mecca” that is WWE, but this weekend, he came home.