Boston.Com Tries To Take Down The King. Instead The Glow Up God Strikes Again


Holy fuck! What a picture! Is that Bradley Cooper? Is that male model clip art?  Does male model clip art even exist? Or did I just invent a genre? Either way that is some serious ass right there. GoPresGo! Fuck yeah.  Glow Up God!

Compare that to the picture they used inside the article from the full baguette days back in Milton…



It’s crazy what money, fame, power, hair plugs will do to a guy.   Oh and in regards to this hit piece? I knew it was coming. I blogged about how I hung up on this piece of shit reporter yesterday.  Here is what I wrote in case you missed it.  This was before the article was published.

From Yesterday

So my dad called into Barstool Radio and dropped this gem on us today. He said being 100% correct in an argument or lawsuit is a Gypsy’s Curse because you can’t stop talking about how right you are. Well I just fell victim to that. Some lady Stephanie Ebbert called me from the Boston Globe asking me to comment about the Elika story. Well knowing that we’re 100% right and anybody with an ounce of common sense would realize that I called her back. Within 5 seconds I knew this was a hit piece. She already had her story written in her head. There was nothing I could say that would make her change her mind. She was Team Elika to the death. None of the facts mattered to her. She actually had the gall to say (paraphrasing here) “I spoke with lawyers who have nothing to do with your industry and here is what they said..” I kept cutting her off saying I don’t care what twitter lawyers say or lawyers not related to this field had to say, but she was relentless. Eventually I just hung up on her. I then googled her (which I should have done originally) and it was pretty obvious she has an agenda. I’d be stunned if a hit piece isn’t coming. That’s my fault for being excited to talk about how right we are. I never should have given her the time of day. Gypsey’s Curse 101. Score a point for Michael Portnoy Esquire. It’s just sad that “jouranlists” write stories totally based on personal agendas and with a total disregard of the facts. Now if she writes a fair and balanced article I’ll be the first to apologize, but based on what just transpired I’m pretty confident this won’t be the case. #Sad. If I’m guilty of anything it’s of having an open mind.

 PS – Why did I preblog this?  Simple.  Michael Scott 101.  Alert the media, and then you control the story. Wait for them to find out, and the story controls you. That’s what happened to O.J.

Anyway I got a kick out of this line from her article.

“In an interview before hanging up on a Globe reporter, he said he had offered to withdraw or rewrite the contract clause to persuade Sadeghi to work there. (Sadeghi would not comment.)”

I didn’t just hang up on a random globe reporter! I hung up on you! Honestly this hit piece was embarrassing even by hit piece standards. Like when you can’t make 1 solid point to back up your entire premise you should probably go find an easier target. She basically defeated her own argument in her own article. She has entertainment lawyers quoted saying it’s standard language. She had to ask lawyers in totally different fields what they thought. And she neglected to mention we have FOUR pages on our zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment. The clause in question is simply about making it clear we make off color jokes as part of our comedy jobs. Every single person both man and woman at our company has sign it. Elika was given the opportunity to change or rewrite the clause to her liking and instead she ran and tattled on us 2 months after the fact and on the eve of announcing her new job. This case is black and white. Elika is an attention seeking troll who tried to inject herself into a national storyline that should make feminists who care about real issues puke.