Classic AIM Sounds Take Us Into The Weekend

I don’t know what doing heroin feels like, but I imagine it’s not all that different than how I feel when hearing those glorious AIM sounds. Well at least the ones I know. I never really fucked with the cash register or that cow sounding motherfucker. But even hearing that orgy of chaos when you would sign onto AOL has me feeling like Vincent Vega after tying one on.

It’s a mixture of happiness, a hint of dread, and maybe a little blood to the nether-regions if we are being honest. That little yellow guy was the best wingman I ever had and if Elon Musk wanted to do something that truly made the world a better place, he would figure out a way to make AIM great again.

For more AIM nostalgia, check out Nate’s excellent blog and watch KFC’s video below about the OG of social media.