Miley Cyrus And Adam Sandler(!) Performed 'No Freedom' On Jimmy Fallon Last Night

Adam Sandler ladies and gentlemen! Holy shit! That was not who I was expecting to be coupled with Miley Cyrus in a tribute song to Las Vegas. It didn’t even sound right coming outta Jimmy Fallon’s mouth. “With a little help from Adam Sandler, Miley Cyrus” Wait what? Help from who? And then it worked! Billy Madison with pipes! Don’t get me wrong, we’ve seen Adam Sandler sing over the years. He’s sang at weddings and about sloppy joes and Thanksgiving but never quite in a setting like that one. I enjoyed the hell out of it and then some. People also forget that Miley Cyrus can sing like a mother fucker. Between all her weirdness and ups and downs as a celebrity she’s got PIPES. She just needs to chill out a little bit and release an album that showcases how good of a singer she is. That would give her a lot more rope to smoke weed, grow out her armpit hair and twerk on stage at rap concerts. Just give us a little something something on the music side.