The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly From The Eagles Cuckage Of The Chargers

26-24. 3-1. 1st in the NFC East, no, NFC. Kind of surreal if you think about it. PRO TIP: Don’t think about it. Just enjoy the ride.


“Blount Force Trauma” And The Running Game

Blount said Daddy wants to dance, and dance Daddy did. 16 carries for 136 yards as the man ran like a man possessed. Props to Doug for sticking with the ground game. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Good things happen when you run that rock.

Time Of Possession:

39:18 to 20:42. That included 6 minutes, 13-play drive to ice the game. When you control the ball almost double the time as your opponent, that’s generally a good thing. Chip Kelly, notwithstanding, as Roob points out – MURDERED.

Cranky Phil:

Love it. With anger like that to release the wife should’ve been on the lookout to take on a plowing for kid numero 80.

Jason Peters, A Good Man:

Sir Jacob The Elliott:

No hero hangover from this kid. A healthy 4-4 with a 53-yarder to boot with 2-2 XP. This very easily could’ve been an L if one of those kicks decides to visit Shankville. Something that should not be overlooked as this child continues his ascent into Philadelphia Sainthood.

You from Philly, brah?:

I can smell the Wildwood stench from here.


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This is for all you haters out there who say I can never find anything nice to say about our high school substitute teacher in chief. Do I think Doug Pederson is a NFL calibar head coach? No. No I do not. I still firmly believe when the Eagles win it’s spite of him, not because of his coaching. But I will give credit where credit is due, Dougie had a fresh day yesterday. If anything it’s as evident

But one thing not even I can deny about Pederson…players fucking play for the man. You can’t teach that. For whatever reason, guys quit on Chip Kelly. That was oh so evident when rookie Jameis Winston was eating crab legs on the Linc field to the tune of 5 TD’s and an outright slaughter in Detroit on Thanksgiving.


The Defense? Kind Of?:

Per usual, they stepped it up when it matters highlighted by a sexy Chris Long/ Dereck Barnett strip sack and fumble recovery.

They also held Melvin Gordon to only 22 yards. But Schwartz’s unit still gave up 400+ on the ground. I’m all for the bend don’t break manta, but it’s something that could be improved upon.


Nothing that killed us, but 9 yellow flags for 58 yards is something to bitch about.


There really wasn’t much to draw from here. Sure, Torrey Smith needs to be sent back to the fetus and grow some hands. A long TD to Ty Williams was certainly not ideal. Doug had a very questionable triple reverse fake screen call…after the exact same triple reverse fake screen call that actually worked. And I suppose almost blowing another double digit lead isn’t the best look. But overall there was no injuries and no real ugliness in this W.

The Eagles are 3-1. But maybe, just maybe, we should at least try to keep it in our pants. The last two weeks they’ve barely beaten teams that are a collective 0-8. Hey, a win is a win is a win. And the Giants and Chargers aren’t exactly your typical 0-4 teams. They’re both better than their records indicate, but still, they’re 0-4 each. Gotta give the Eagles all the credit in the world for starting 3-1 with 3/4 games on the road. But remember the time they started 3-0 and captivated an entire generation? So, yeah, to reiterate what I said in the beginning: PRO TIP – Don’t think about it. Just enjoy the ride.

An underperforming Arizona team comes to dance at the Linc next week. A very winnable game, that is also an extremely losable one. These are the types of contests that separate the men from the boys. Let’s step on all the throats and the nuts and go 4-1. Go Birds.

PS – Dallas Sucks.