It Seems Not Everyone is OK with the Penis Waffle Craze That is Sweeping Bangkok


SourceTHERE’S a fight brewing in Bangkok at the moment.

The catalyst for the unrest is an unlikely culprit. It’s a sausage and cheese waffle … shaped like a penis.

Ketnita Prasertsomboon, a woman who has a wonderfully ribald sense of humour, has turned her hand to making phallic food. It became a big hit with tourists and locals alike when footage of the waffles went viral, attracting over 18 million views.

Prasertsomboon makes the sexy sausage and cheese waffles from her Bangkok restaurant stall, named “Pho Hai Ma”, which translates as “I Got It From My Dad”.

She sets up at market stalls around the city and sells the phallic-shaped food and everybody generally has a good time.

But sadly, not everyone finds her creative snacks hilarious.

Yingsak Chonglertjetsadawong, a famous Thai chef, urged locals to boycott the rude snack.

“From my time in the food industry, I never thought I would encounter food shaped like genitalia,” he said.

“Would you buy this for your parents? Would you put this in a monk’s alms bowl? If a girl aged 7 or 8 was eating it on the street, is that something you’d want to see?”

Like the old saying goes, there’s a Yingsak Chonglertjetsadawong in every crowd. Some self-appointed morality cop who not only can’t appreciate the laugh riot that is a good dick joke, but wants to make sure nobody else can enjoy it either. A humorless buttinski with a stick up his ass who lives in mortal fear that somewhere, somebody his having a good time.

Newsflash, Chef Chonglertjetsadawong: Not everybody shares your outrage. Maybe some parents get pleasure from putting dick-shaped food in their mouths. Perhaps getting a big cock waffle in his alms bowl would put a smile on a monk’s face. Personally I could live without watching a 7 or 8 year old girl horking down a breakfast dong, but I’ll let her parents raise her and keep skating my lane. Besides who are any of us to deny someone else’s right to the simple joy that can only come from a nice waffle dildo? Just because the Chonglertjetsadawongs of the world are offended by something, doesn’t make it offensive.

You keep doing you, Ketnita Prasertsomboon. And lighten up, Yingsak.
