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Canadian Guy Has A Very Canadian Interaction With A Bunch Of Bears In His Backyard

It doesn’t get much more Canadian that folks. I thought we had reached peak Canada when the dude politely asked the bears to leave his backyard so he could go to work. AND THEN THE BEARS LISTENED. They didn’t even think twice. They just walked away without putting up any sort of fight whatsoever. Bears in Canada must not be wired the same way bears are wired everywhere else in the world. Bears everywhere else are wired to be like, “Human tells me to go away? I’ll just eat the humans brain while he screams bloody murder and then live in this backyard forever.” Remember that dude who lived with bears forever and then they ate hi alive? That’s how bears are supposed to be. I actually like it better when bears and humans have a contentious relationship. It gets the blood going. This is what separates the United States of America and Canada. Every species in this country is ready to fight for everything. Even if it isn’t theirs. I think if you listen closely to the video the bears even say “sorrey” as they disappear into the wilderness. Bizarre to say the least.